Lisa Carrett is a Sydney-based artist. In 2019, Carrett graduated from UNSW Art and Design with a BFA (Honours). Working across mediums including painting and ceramics, she couples abstraction with familiar and uncanny Australian icons. Carrett’s work explores transient landscapes both past and present, engaging with the way memory intersects with place. She seeks to disrupt and unsettle the audience through a bold colour palette, rendering imagery that is both simultaneously familiar and strange.
Carrett's work has been exhibited and collected in both solo and group shows as well as Finalist Awards. Recent projects include Artist as Archivist (2024) as well as Finalist Awards including Randwick Women's Art Prize (2023), Waverley Art Prize (2022), Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize (2021) and Fisher's Ghost Art Award (2020, 2021).
For commission inquiries or to purchase an artwork, contact here.
2015-2018: UNSW Art and Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours)
Solo Exhibitions:
2024: Madeline Gordon Gallery, Tasmania
2021: Uncanny Archives, Artsite Galleries, Sydney
Selected Group Exhibitions:
2024: Artist as Archivist, Woollahra Galleries, Sydney, NSW
2023: Blue surpasses Dimensions, Saywell Gallery, NSW
2023: Finalist, Women's Art Prize, Randwick Council, NSW
2023: Water Through Reeds Gallery, Bungendore, NSW
2022: Waverley Art Prize, Finalist
2022: Radiance, Gallery Lane Cove, NSW
2022: Coast to Coast, Saint Cloche, Sydney, NSW
2022: Electric Dreams, Saint Cloche, Sydney, NSW
2021: Finalist, 20th Anniversary Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize, Sydney, NSW
2021: Finalist, 59th Annual Fisher's Ghost Art Award, Campbelltown Arts Centre
2021: Small Works, Artsite Galleries, Sydney
2020: Packsaddle, New England Regional Art Gallery and Museum (NERAM), Armidale, NSW
2020: Finalist, Burwood Art Prize, Burwood, Sydney, NSW
2020: Finalist, 20th Anniversary Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize, Sydney, NSW
2020: Finalist, 58th Annual Fisher's Ghost Art Award, Campbelltown Arts Centre
2020: Finalist, Little Things Art Prize, Saint Cloche Gallery, Sydney, NSW
2020: Collectors Choice, 2020, Artsite Galleries, Sydney
2020: Self Portraits in the Age of Covid-19, Gallery Lane Cove, Sydney, NSW
2020: Summer, Gallery 44, Sydney, NSW
2019: In Our Nature, Broadhurst Gallery, NSW
2019: Introductions, Artsite Galleries, Sydney, NSW
2019: Finalist, 57th Annual Fisher's Ghost Art Award, Campbelltown Arts Centre
2019: Packsaddle 2019, New England Regional Art Gallery and Museum (NERAM), Armidale, NSW
2019: Collectors Choice 2019, Artsite Galleries, Sydney, NSW
2018: Better Homes and Gardens, Adelaide Perry Gallery, NSW
2018: UNSW Annual Exhibition, UNSW Galleries, NSW
2017: The Beholders Eye, Aurora Galleries, Summer Hill, NSW
2017: Home is where the Heart is, Spirit of Soul Festival, Courtesy of the Artist, The Loft, NSW
2017: Not a Stat, AD Space, Sydney, NSW
2013: Shades of Blue, Billich Gallery, The Rocks, Sydney, NSW
2013: Finalist, The Young Archie, Art Gallery of NSW
2022: Waverley Art Prize, Finalist
2021: Finalist, 20th Anniversary Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize, Sydney, NSW
2021: Finalist, 59th Annual Fisher's Ghost Art Award, Campbelltown Arts Centre
2020: Finalist, Burwood Art Prize, Burwood, Sydney, NSW
2020: Finalist, 20th Anniversary Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize, Sydney, NSW
2020: Finalist, 58th Annual Fisher's Ghost Art Award, Campbelltown Arts Centre
2020: Finalist, Little Things Art Prize, Saint Cloche Gallery, Sydney, NSW
2019: Finalist, 57th Annual Fisher's Ghost Art Award, Campbelltown Arts Centre
2018: Shortlisted, TWT Award, The Annual, UNSW Art and Design
2017: Finalist, Home is where the heart is, Spirit of Soul Festival, The Loft
2013: People’s Choice Award, GAPE, Gilroy
2013: Finalist, The Young Archie, Art Gallery of NSW
2012: People’s Choice Award, GAPE, Gilroy
2022: Coast to Coast Silent Auction
2022: Silver moon, oil on canvas, 38x54", Private Collection
2021: 56 Delaney Dr, acrylic on canvas,51x61cm, Private Collection
2019: In Memory, acrylic on canvas, 51x61cm, Private Collection
2018: Bushland, acrylic on canvas, 38x64," Private Collection